6:00 PM Worship Service

Every Sunday
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Category: WorshipBeloved, let us join together to close the Lord’s Day with worship. Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for man. Evening worship has been a proven practice in the Reformed Church to help Christians delight in the Lord on this sacred day. These services may be called catechetical, which means focused on instruction to warm our hearts for worship and service of our God. We will begin with a catechism drill for our meditation in preparation for worship. The sermon will be on a text of Scripture that helps explain and apply the teaching of the catechism question and answer for that day. We will enjoy singing the great hymns of the faith together, and return thanks to God as we prepare to reenter the fray of the world on Monday. This is a great way for families and individuals to maintain a rhythm of catechism memorization and study to renew the mind daily with God’s revealed Truth.