Wisdom's Call

January 31, 2016 Series: Proverbs: Wisdom and Human Flourishing

Topic: Wisdom Passage: Proverbs 1:20–33

In this passage before us this morning as we continue to work through the prologue to the book of Proverbs, wisdom is calling and the key question is are we listening? Do we have a teachable spirit? We all assume automatically that we are teachable. Which of us wants to admit that he has a hard heart and does not have a teachable spirit? But the stakes are high and the consequences are eternal. Wisdom is giving her sermon and the stakes are life and death. We will examine wisdom’s call this morning from three perspectives. (1) The Passion of Wisdom’s Call. The text tells us that wisdom cries aloud in the street. In the markets she raises her voice, and at the head of the noisy streets she cries out. This is not impassioned teaching, but passionate imploring. (2) The Power of Wisdom’s Call. This is seen in v.23 where wisdom calls that is we repent, if we change our life direction then she will pour out her spirit and make words known to us. (3) The Promise of Wisdom’s Call. This has both a negative and positive promise. Negatively, vv.24-32 describe the terrifying and dreadful consequences of choosing a course of hating knowledge and not fearing the Lord, while v.33 holds out hope that if we listen to this passionate, powerful call we will dwell secure, be at ease without dread of disaster.

More in Proverbs: Wisdom and Human Flourishing

May 8, 2016

The Only Way to Live

April 24, 2016

Ancient Wisdom

April 17, 2016

The Call of Wisdom