Spruce Creek's Women’s Ministry exists to help the women of our church experience continued spiritual growth through a lifestyle of repentance and an ongoing discovery of the beauty and power of the Gospel.
It is our desire to equip women to think Biblically and live Coventally, through a Word based and relationally driven ministry. God is our reference point, His Word is our Authority, and our purpose is His glory!
Through our Discipleship, Prayer, Mercy, and Special Events ministry teams, it is our hope every woman at Spruce Creek will deepen her relationship with Christ.
The SCPC Women's Ministry does not function as a separate entity within the church, but rather as a partner in the gospel with the entire covenant family that is SCPC, as well as the broader community as representives of the Kingdom of God. The Women's Ministry is overseen by an Advisory TEAM, which falls under the authority of the session.
If you are interested in learning more about the Women's Ministry and want to become involved, please contact the Women's Ministry Director Jamie Williams.