Shaped by Freedom

March 19, 2017 Series: The Cruciform Life

Passage: Galatians 5:1–15

We are beginning a new sermon series this morning that will run through Easter Sunday. We are calling it the cruciform life, meaning how can our lives be shaped by the cross. We are looking at various aspects of life, things such as forgiveness, dealing with evil, and finally, on Easter Sunday, being shaped by the resurrection. This morning we are exploring the theme of being shaped by freedom. We are looking at a passage from Paul’s letter to the Galatians, Galatians 5:1-15. And we will explore this from two perspectives. First we will look at the power of freedom. Verse 1 states that it was for freedom that Christ has set us free. And then we are commanded to stand firm in our freedom. The second point is the purpose of freedom, which vv.13-14 tell us is love. We were built and designed to love. Again, there are many misguided notions as to what love is so we can let the fear of some of these false definitions keep us from embracing the call of these verses. Being shaped by freedom through the cross will lead to a life of love.

How is real love possible? Only through Christ who lost his freedom so we could be free. You must be shaped by the cross in order to be shaped by freedom. He was cut off for you. His being cut off brought you in. Christ was treated as a slave to sin so you could be set free. 2 Corinthians 5:21, “God made Him who knew no sin, to be sin, so that we could become the righteousness of God in Him.” Christ was treated as if were a sinner. He was legally treated as a slave to sin. He received the penalty of our slavery so we could receive the blessing of His freedom. He lost His freedom so that we could be free. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).

More in The Cruciform Life

April 16, 2017

Shaped by the Resurrection

April 9, 2017

Shaped by Love

April 2, 2017

Shaped by the Battle